David and Kathy Walker, missionary-evangelists, started Bible Missions Inc. in 1979. They are world travelers and have ministered in over seventy countries including Haiti, Chile, and working now in the country of Romania. David, known internationally as "Little David," began preaching at the age of nine after a five hour vision of heaven. He met and married a farm girl named Kathy with the last name of McDonald in 1959! Since then, they have been ministering together for over 60 years.
David was a boy of nine and weighed only 55 pounds when he was announced to preach for the first time. At that time he was called "Little David" and that is a name that he has been known by from that day until this present day.
David was born in Phoenix, AZ on Sept 20, 1934. He has experienced three amazing miracles in his life. At age five after an infection took his sight, he was totally healed of blindness. At the age of nine he was transported by a vision into Heaven for five hours; he came out of that experience as a powerful preacher! Thousands came to hear the "boy" evangelist preach the Gospel with as much wisdom and zeal as someone thirty years his elder.
Amazing miracles and supernatural manifestations accompanied "Little" David's ministry. He worked with the best known healing evangelists of the Voice of Healing organization as a young evangelist. At the age of sixteen he suffered a water accident and was pulled from the waters without signs of life. Miraculously after calling on the name of Jesus, he was restored and was able to continue his ministry. He is the boy preacher who has not quit! David has ministered in over seventy countries of the world.
Kathy is a dynamic speaker of the Word.
Her messages are faith-inspiring coming from years of believing God for the impossible. She has authored several books, including "Bread for Body and Soul" and most recently co authored with David their Life Story Book, "The Journey…..Walking with the Walkers". She is a country gospel singer and has recorded several CD's.
She is an ordained minister of the gospel and comes with an 'on the scene' knowledge of world evangelism. She delivers her messages with a unique humor and a genuine love for those she speaks to. She holds a BA degree in Bible from Zion Bible Institute in Barrington, RI. Kathy is the mother of three grown children, who are all active in the work of the Lord and is the grandmother of five.
Most of all, if you would ask her how she wants to be introduced and known, she would tell you "I am a soul winner"

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
To learn more about the Walkers, check out this interview by the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
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